1 lb bags of fresh/frozen destemmed, washed and packaged elderberries. One bag is approximately 2 1/2 cups of berries. They can be used to make syrup, juice, pies, wine, meade, jelly, jam, shrub and many other things. Elderberries are not sweet like blueberries. They are very high in antioxidants and other immune boosting properties. Studies have shown they actually coat cell walls to prevent cold and flu viruses from entering the cell. The seeds contain cyanide just as apples, peaches and other fruit. Therefore it is not advisable to eat a large quantity of uncooked or raw elderberries. The berries could cause temporary digestive distress.
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1 lb Bag of Elderberries
They are very high in antioxidants and other immune boosting properties. Studies have shown they actually coat cell walls to prevent cold and flu viruses from entering the cell. The seeds contain cyanide just as apples, peaches and other fruit. Therefore it is not advisable to eat a large quantity of uncooked or raw elderberries. The berries could cause temporary digestive distress.